General Montgomery Chapter was founded in 1944 and we will be celebrating 80 years of fun, friendship, and philanthropy in 2024.

Most members live in Bergen and Passaic Counties, NJ, or neighboring areas. Meetings are held one Thursday afternoon each month at various members’ homes, except for July and August. For more detailed information on meeting dates and times, please contact our NJ State Organizer, Joan Saunders at

The Chapter is actively involved with a local charity thrift shop and hand-made craft vendors, income from both supplementing our annual donations to the supported DBE charities.

Please join us at one of our chapter meetings, where you can be assured of a warm welcome and a proper cup of tea.


  • Regent: Janet Tinz

  • Vice Regent: Joan Ward

  • Recording Secretary: Barbara Pieczonka

  • Treasurer: Linley Mahon

  • Corresponding Secretary: Suzanne Ishii

Interested in joining us? Contact the State Organizer for more information.